Talk To A Commercial Locksmith About Making Your Building’s Lock System More Secure

When you own a business, you must be careful about who gets keys to important areas. Even if your company is small, you need a system that prevents keys from being duplicated and given to the wrong people. A disgruntled employee, or someone who just quit, could do your building and company harm if they can still access your property with a duplicated or stolen key. 

Talk to a commercial locksmith about installing a secure system that makes it easy to disable someone's access to your building. Here are some options.

Digital Locks

Digital locks don't require keys. Instead, they can be opened by inputting a code or by swiping a card. Some can even be opened with a phone app. If you need to disable someone's access, you can delete their code so they can no longer open the door, but the rest of your employees can open the door without disruption. Even if a card is lost or stolen, it can't be copied or used to open the door. A commercial locksmith can help you plan your door lock system and establish locks on doors that need it so your building is more secure.

Strike Locks

Strike locks can be used to control traffic in your building without the need for keys or cards. These are often used in areas where visitors enter. A door is kept locked to prevent unauthorized entry. Someone on the other side can press a button and unlock the door to let the person in. When the door shuts, it locks again. This type of lock helps your building stay more secure since employees don't have to open the door if the person wanting access looks suspicious. A commercial locksmith can install strike locks where you need them and explain how to use them to their full potential.

Smart Locks

There are different commercial smart lock systems to consider. You may need a commercial locksmith to compare them for you and help you choose the right system for your building. A smart lock system gives you the most control over who can access your building. The locks come with software that allows you to know what's going on with your locks at all times. Plus, the locks are tracked so you know who opened what doors at what time.

Also, the system has built-in alarms and notifications if someone tries to break open a door, or if someone holds the door open for another person. If you get an alert, you can lock all doors immediately so the intruder gets locked in the office. Features vary quite a bit among systems, so you'll need to choose a smart lock system that works well for the way your company operates. The locks can be put on all kinds of doors, including elevators and gates.

Contact a local locksmith service, such as Advanced Locksmith Services, to learn more. 
